Monday, February 22, 2010

The Targets

The Targets... I did this painting to pass the time while I waited to leave on vacation. I didnt want to just sit, and my next painting is a large portrait of Elizabeth 1st, and that was nothing to begin right before leaving. This is a simple painting, basically showing the two targets that are most often aimed at from verbal abusers. The mind (or soul) and heart.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Jumping Through Hoops

Well, I was beginning to wonder if I would ever finish this painting... This is quite an emotional piece for me. Hopefully it depicts a relationship that is very demanding and loveless and the effects it would have on the other person. Children especially. A demanding parent can break us in half at such an early age, leaving very little to build on in future years. I think children tend to detach somewhat from their painful emotions, thus the tearing eye pinned up on the tent canvas. I feel like I cant really explain much more, as my own mind begins to whirl... but hopefully, if this painting "speaks" to you, you will hear it in your own language.

Prints will be available in a few weeks. Painting is not for sale at this time...