Friday, August 14, 2009


Well, this is a small 12x12 oil on canvas. I like the name Martyr as it is something that I have never addressed in a painting before. Shoot, we have all had the displeasure of knowing a martyr, havent we? And truth is, we have all probably been guilty of being one ourselves before. Anyway, she definitely is a prima donna of martyrdom!!

I lost interest in this painting half way through, as my next painting started burning a hole in my head!! haha... has that ever happened to any of you? I feel like I cheated this painting, by not giving it my full attention! I hope it doesnt show too badly... and most of all, I hope you all enjoy it...

1 comment:

Kathy Staicer said...

Being I work on many paintings at the same time I've never had that problem. But you are so organized and complete what you're doing before starting a new one.
Anyway I think it's a gret painting.
Keep on painting. I can hardly wait to see the next one!